Sorting Through the Maze of Alternative Medicine
What Works, What Doesn't and Why

By Lorraine Day, M.D.

"If you've ever felt overwhelmed when trying to understand the numerous alternative therapies available, you're not alone. I felt the same frustration when I was dying from advanced cancer," says Dr. Lorraine Day, "and I tried over 40 different alternative therapies myself, before I finally understood how to sort them all out and get well."

Most books are just encyclopedias of dozens of different alternative therapies, but Dr. Day, from her agonizing, personal experience of trying to get well, leads you through the maze of alternative medicine, step by step, and shows you how to evaluate each of the over 60 therapies discussed on this DVD, including:

 Nutrition: Macrobiotic, Gerson, Ann Wigmore, Hallelujah Acres, High Protein, Eat for your type, Rotation diet, Dr. Johanna Budwig

 Detoxification: Biological Dentistry, Enemas, Colonics, Saunas, Poultices, Hydrotherapy, Environmental Medicine

 Herbal: Essiac, Taheebo, Hoxsey, Chaparral, Jason Winters

 Adjunctive: Shark Cartilage, Orthomolecular, Supplements, Hulda Clark, Laetrile, Colloidal Minerals, Oxygen Therapies

 Biological and Pharmacological: Chelation, Burzynski, 714 X, Hydrazine Sulfate, Homeopathy, Livingston

 Energy Therapies: Magnets, Hyperthermia, Rife generator, Reflexology, Acupuncture, Acupressure



 Hormonal and Cell Therapy: Melatonin, Growth Hormone, DHEA, Cell Therapy

 Mind-Body: Ayurvedic, Meditation, Visualization, God's Health Plan

Cancer and Health - Books & Tapes

Super Starter Package

4 DVD Package

Who Rewrote the Bible?

Who Started the Organized Church?

If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL?

What Does it Take to Get Well?

I Will Give You Back Your Health Again

Stress Success (5 CD Set)

Eye See: Prevent and Reverse Eye Disease

Getting Started on Getting Well (workbook)

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer

Double Blind

He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not.

Believing is Seeing!

Drugs Never Cure Disease

Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine

You Can't Improve Upon God

Diseases Don't Just Happen

Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

Other Books and Videos

What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan?

Dr. Day Responds to Her Critics

The Tumor Dr. Day Endured

What Happened to BarleyGreen?

Good News About God

Additional Information


Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You

You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -
You have Cancer Because you are sick!

Will My Body Heal Itself?

Doesn't Everyone Die Sometime?

What's New in Health and Disease

Swine Flu HOAX

Bird Flu HOAX


Small Pox


Mad Cow Disease

Attention Deficit Disorder

God's Healing Promises

Are Doctors a Gift from God?

You Can't Twitter Your Way to Health

Frequently Asked Questions About Health

The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World

Contacting Dr. Day

Dr. Day's Media and Speaking Schedule

Bible Studies by Dr. Day

Bible Studies

(for all books, videos & audios)